
For the band which didn't want their album available for download... leave a comment and i will remove it as soon as i read it out... thx for visiting and having fun with the music...
For those who download... if you like it buy it.. don't let our favorite music die...

Istidraj / Luger split - Total War Epuratio


ahh, another posted for istidraj, this time their split with luger, not sure where the bands come from. this split was released on 2004

Track Listed:
  1. Warlust Introduction - Luger (4:19)
  2. Piss On Love - Luger (4:48)
  3. Blasphemik Konquest - Istidraj(2:45)
  4. Istidraj - Istidraj (3:31)
Sendspace - Istidraj / Luger split - Total War Epuratio

i can't access mediafire right now, so use sendspace first, later i will upload there.

Istidraj - Metafizika


a great album from a great band, istidraj one big name in black metal scene in asia, especially singapore and malaysia. Metafizika is their first full length album that was release in 1999.

Track Listed:
  1. Inauguration (1:41)
  2. Odes Of Aeshon (6:42)
  3. Kiss Of Death (4:32)
  4. Agony In Purgatory (5:08)
  5. What Once Was.... (Nostalgia) (3:51)
  6. De' Shining Ones (3:55)
  7. Wood Of Eternity (5:30)
  8. Ngecongan Ngestabe (3:29)
Mediafire - Istidraj - Metafizika

Underground Tribute To Sweet Charity

Underground Tribute

for those who didn't know sweet charity (in malaysia) please kill yourself by jumping from KLCC top roof. haha, here u go old album but i'm still listening to it, one nice tribute album from malaysian underground scene band for sweet charity an old skool rocks band. so having fun....

Track Listed:
  1. Jangan Lama-Lama - Gerhana Ska Cinta
  2. Perjalanan - Koffin Kanser
  3. Berita Gempa - Blind Tribe
  4. Teratai - Flop Poppy
  5. Penunggu - Necrotic Chaos
  6. Musibah - A.C.A.B
  7. Tahun 2001 - Butterfingers
  8. Lahirmu Bukan Untuk Dunia - Another Side
  9. Datang Dan Pergi - Cashmere
  10. Raja Kumbang - Sil Khannaz
  11. Dunia Perlumbaan - Republic Of Brickfields (feat. Ramli Sarip)
  12. Hanya Rock 'N Roll - Sweet Charity & Charity Workers
Underground Tribute To Sweet Charity 1
Underground Tribute To Sweet Charity 2

Depressive Black Metal/ Suicidal Black Metal

What the heck is this, haha, just another posting talking about subgenre in black metal, as everyone knows that there's a lot of other subgenre in black metal like Nationalist BM, Melodic BM, Melancholic BM, Atmospheric BM, and sure it is Depressive/Suicidal Black Metal.

But now we talk about Depressive/Suicidal BM, here are some list out of band that bring a long this genre:
Abyssic Hate
Blut aus Nord
Brocken Moon
Diagnose: Lebensgefahr
Die Toten kehren wieder mit dem Wind
Drudkh (Forgotten Legends)
Elysian Blaze
Forgotten Tomb
Forgotten Woods
Make a change... kill yourself
Night conquers day
Nocturnal Depression
The Ruins of Beverast

what makes their music interesting, i'm not sure, but i like it, most of the their lyrical theme are based on dying, killing yourself, depression, sadness and decline. i'm not sure in malaysia we've got this kind of band, if anyone have any information about band from malaysia that play this kind of genre please share it with me.

Here i put 2 album, that available for everyone to download:


Cryfemal - Terribles Disciplinas (spain)


Deep-Pression - I Walk the Life in Depression (Poland)

i have several others album with me, perhaps later i will upload it for everyone.

Oh Chentaku - Heartbreak Ridge Was Never This Arrogant


ya here u go, Oh Chentaku, this was released November last year, consist of 7 hardcore/post punk track. Really nice album, try it out. and don't forget to buy it,

Track Listed:
  1. Starlight Stalker (2:18)
  2. Castlefort (4:06)
  3. Polaroid (5:39)
  4. Serenade (4:51)
  5. The Wicked Offspring (4:17)
  6. Straightline (4:56)
  7. Fallback (4:32)
Mediafire - Oh Chentaku - Heartbreak Ridge Was Never This Arrogant
Sendspace - Oh Chentaku - Heartbreak Ridge Was Never This Arrogant

Kabus - Melayang Di Udara


yosh, here you go, kabus, flying in the sky... alternative rock, nothing special but i like track no. 1 and 3. this single still available at kedai auntie, go buy it if u like it.

Track Listed:
  1. Melayang Di Udara (5:11)
  2. Semahunya Merdeka (4:21)
  3. Langit Malam (5:30)
Mediafire - Kabus - Melayang Di Udara
SendSpace - Kabus - Melayang Di Udara

also here's update link for blind tribe album, - Blind Tribe , or you can go to the post page itself, i already update the link.